Wedge anchor

Wedge anchor bolts (or stud anchors) provide a safe, strong hold for adhering fasteners to solid a concrete or masonry surface. These bolts feature an expansion clip (the “wedge” mechanism), which is permanently attached to the bolt between the threaded section and the tapered potion at the bottom. When the bolt is inserted into a pre-drilled hole of a solid masonry surface, the top is then tapped to activate this mechanism. Then, as the nut and washer are tightened the mechanism expands, wedging the bolt into the concrete; hence providing a firm, secure and permanently affixed bolt to the concrete surface.

Both the bolt itself and the wedge anchor mechanism (expansion clip) are all produced from the requested specialty alloy such as AL6XN, Alloy 20, Duplex, Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel or Titanium to provide the best corrosion resistance and strength for your application.

•  Wedge anchors provide one of the strongest holds of all concrete anchor fasteners
•  Ideal for heavy duty fastening
•  Permanently attaches to the concrete surface for a safe, secure solution
•  Ideal for fastening materials to oil rigs, docks, piers, floors, walls or slabs.

•  In AL6XN, Alloy 20, Duplex Stainless, Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel, Titanium, and other materials upon request.
•  ANSI diameters ranging from 1/8”- 3”
•  Metric diameters from M3 – M80

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