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Tag Archives: high temperature plastic fasteners
Q: I’m working with a process that requires a constant operating temperature of 450F. Do I need to use a metal screw or is there a polymer that can handle this? A: There are definitely polymers that can handle an environment of 450F. One option is a PEEK fastener. PEEK … Continue reading
Posted in Application, Engineered Polymer Fasteners, FAQs, High Temperature Resistance, Material, Technical Questions Tagged high temperature plastic fasteners, high temperature plastic screws, high temperature polymer fasteners, high temperature polymer screws, PEEK fasteners for high temperature, PEEK high temperature screws, PEEK screws for high temperatures, PEEK verse vespel for high temperatures, Plastic fasteners for high temperature, Plastic screws for high temperatures, Polymer fasteners for high temperature, Polymer screws for high temperature, Vespel fasteners for high temperature, Vespel screws for high temperatures, Vespel vs PEEK for high temperatures Leave a comment