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Tag Archives: Inconel 600 bolts vs 310 stainless steel bolts
Posted on October 15, 2021 by Kathleen
Q: I have a high temperature application that requires bolts that can withstand around 1900F. There is almost no corrosive contamination – strictly heat and oxidation resistance are required. I see both Inconel 600 and 310 stainless can be used at this temperature – what is the difference and which … Continue reading →
Posted in Application, FAQs, High Strength, High Temperature Resistance, Material, Specialty Metal Fasteners, Technical Questions | Tagged Inconel 600 bolts compared to 310 stainless steel bolts, Inconel 600 bolts vs 310 stainless steel bolts, Inconel 600 compared to 310 stainless steel, Inconel 600 screws compared to 310 stainless steel screws, Inconel 600 screws vs 310 stainless steel screws, Inconel 600 vs 310 stainless steel, Inconel bolts compared to 310 stainless steel bolts, Inconel bolts vs 310 stainless steel bolts, Inconel compared to 310 stainless steel, Inconel screws 310 stainless steel screws, Inconel screws compared to 310 stainless steel screws, Inconel verses 310 stainless steel, Inconel vs 310 stainless steel | Leave a comment