The ultimate temperature resistant polymer

Polyimide threaded rods or Vespel® threaded rods are made from an advanced temperature resistant polyimide resin. Polyimide threaded rods or Vespel threaded rods offer a unique balance of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties for outstanding performance in a variety of demanding applications such as automotive, machinery, industrial equipment, aerospace, and semiconductor equipment.

Polyimide threaded rods or Vespel threaded rods also have the unique combination of properties such as excellent mechanical strength and toughness, exceptional radiation resistance, robust chemical resistance to many solvents, a low coefficient of thermal expansion, excellent creep resistance and flame retardance.

Polyimide threaded rods or Vespel threaded rods are available in both metric and standard sizes. Contact us to learn more about polyimide threaded rods or Vespel threaded rods properties and availability.

Fastener TypesThreaded RodsStuds


Vespel Properties

Vespel Properties     

Vespel Mechanical Data

 Vespel Tensile Data

Chemical Resistant Vespel threaded rods

Vespel Corrosion Data


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