Good high temperature oxidation resistance to 2000°F

Designed for high temperature applications, 310 stainless steel socket weld flanges provide high temperature oxidation resistance to 2000°F under mild cyclic conditions. An economic alternative to nickel alloys like alloy 330 or Inconel, 310 socket weld flanges provide slightly less strength and temperature resistance – but at a significantly lower price point.  Alloy 310 can be used in moderately caburizing, moderately oxidizing, nitriding, cementing and thermal cycling applications when not used at the maximum service temperature. 310SS socket weld flanges also have good resistance to sulfidation and other forms of hot corrosion.  Although primarily known for its high temperature properties, 310 stainless steel also provides excellent performance at cryogenic temperatures, with toughness down to -450˚F. Though 310 socket weld flanges are ideal for high temperature use, they should not be exposed to the severe thermal shock of repeated liquid quenching or where aqueous corrosive contaminants are present.


  • High temperature resistance.
  • Excellent resistance to oxidation under mildly cyclic conditions.
  • Good resistance to sulfidation and atmospheres where sulfur dioxide gas is encountered at elevated temperatures.
  • Good resistance to thermal fatigue.
  • Excellent toughness to cryogenic temperatures of -450°F.
  • Low magnetic permeability.
  • Good ductility and weldability.


  • Thermal processing and high temperature furnaces rely on 310 socket weld flanges for their high temperature and oxidation resistance in minor cyclic conditions.
  • 310SS flanges are commonly used in the petrochemical industry for their ability to provide resistance to moderately carburizing atmospheres.
  • The high temperature properties of 310SS socket weld flanges make them ideal for ore processing, steel plants, power generation, and sintering.
  • Cryogenic structures often use 310 stainless steel socket weld flanges for their strength at -450°F and low magnetic permeability.

310 Stainless Steel Properties
Tensile Strength (ksi)  70
Yield Strength (ksi) 30
Rockwell B Hardness 95
Density (lb/in3) 0.285
Electrical Resistivity (Microhm-in at 68°C) 30.7
Modulus of Elasticity (x 106 psi) 28.5
Thermal Conductivity at 212°F (BTU/hr/ft2/ft/°F) 8.0


Resources: Flange DimensionsFlange Bolting Chart

Alloy 310 Bolt TypesBlind FlangesLap Joint FlangesSlip On FlangesSocket Weld FlangesThreaded FlangesWeld Neck Flanges

310 Stainless Steel Chemistry & Specifications

310SS Specifications: AMS 5521, AMS 5651, ASME SA 240, ASME SA 312, ASME SA 479, ASTM A 240, ASTM A 276, ASTM A 276 Condition A, ASTM A 276 Condition S, ASTM A 312, ASTM A 479, EN 10095, UNS S31008, UNS S31009, Werkstoff 1.4845

310 Chemical Compositon

310SS Socket Weld Flange Features & Benefits

Similar to a slip on flange, an 310 socket weld flange has an added shoulder inside the bore hole. The socket weld flange is designed so that a pipe can be inserted into the socket of the flange until it hits the shoulder of the socket. The pipe is then backed away from the shoulder approximately 1/16 inches before being welded to the flange hub. This internal weld provides this type of flange added strength. In addition, by grinding the internal weld smooth, turbulence and flow restriction are minimized. 310SS socket weld flanges are most commonly used on small diameter applications (1/2" through 4") and high pressure piping systems.

310 Socket Weld Flange Benefitssocket weld flange words

  • Best for small size, high pressure applications
  • Static strength equal to a slip on flange yet boasts a fatigue strength 1.5 times that of the slip on design
  • Employs both a backside hub weld and an internal shoulder weld for increased strength
  • Socket weld flanges delivers a lower risk of leakage than threaded flanges
  • Socket weld pipes do not have to be beveled for weld preparation
  • Butt-welded joints are easily fitted and no special machining

310 Socket Weld Flange Disadvantages

  • The expansion gap and internal crevices left in socket welded systems can promote crevice corrosion.
  • Socket weld flanges have two welds which makes them stronger yet more labor intensive to install. Due to the increased welding, it has become the practice to weld only at the hub of the flange, which is not recommended.

Installation Tips
The socket weld pipe fittings should allow for expansion gap of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) between pipe and the shoulder of the socket.


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