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Tag Archives: 254 SMO fasteners for brackish water
Posted on August 26, 2020 by Kathleen
Q: I’m looking for a material that can service a brackish water environment with high strength around 100ksi, would SMO 254 work for me? A: In terms of the corrosion resistance, yes, but for strength you are right on the edge of the capabilities for 254 SMO fasteners. 254 SMO … Continue reading →
Posted in Application, Corrosion Resistance, FAQs, High Strength, Material, Specialty Metal Fasteners, Technical Questions | Tagged 254 SMO bolts for brackish water, 254 SMO fasteners for brackish water, 254 SMO screws for brackish water, Duplex 2205 bolts for brackish water, Duplex 2205 fasteners for brackish water, Duplex 2205 screws for brackish water, Duplex Steel bolts for brackish water, Duplex Steel fasteners for brackish water, Duplex Steel screws for brackish water, Super Duplex 2507 bolts for brackish water, Super Duplex 2507 fasteners for brackish water, Super Duplex 2507 screws for brackish water | Leave a comment