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Tag Archives: torlon screws for high temperture
Q: I have an application where I need a non-metal fastener because of insulation and magnetic issues. The problem is that it also needs to be able to retain strength at about 520°F. Should I use a ceramic? A: Ceramic fasteners are definitely not necessary at these temperatures, although they … Continue reading
Posted in Application, Engineered Polymer Fasteners, FAQs, High Temperature Resistance, Material, Non-Conductive, Technical Questions Tagged Torlon fasteners, Torlon fasteners for high strength, torlon fasteners for high temperature, torlon fasteners insulating properties, Torlon for high strength, torlon polymer fasteners, torlon polymer screws, Torlon Screws, Torlon screws for high strength, torlon screws for high temperture, torlon screws insulating properties Leave a comment