An age hardened super alloy with exceptional strength at high temperatures

Waspaloy shoulder bolts are known for their superb high strength at elevated temperatures. Waspaloy is a high performance nickel alloy combined with cobalt, chrome and molybdenum to create it’s unique combination of strength and high temperature stability.

Similar to that of Inconel 718 bolts, Waspaloy shoulder bolts exceed the strength and stability of Inconel 718 at elevated temperatures beyond 1400°F.  In addition, the oxidation resistance of Waspaloy bolts make it an ideal materials for high temperature applications like gas turbines engines, and a variety of other aerospace components. 

Resources: Waspaloy Torque Specs

Waspaloy Bolt Types Available: Hex BoltsShoulder Bolts



Waspaloy Shoulder Bolt Features and Benefits

Waspaloy shoulder bolts, also called stripper bolts are a unique fastener with three main parts: head, shoulder, and thread. The head has the largest diameter and is where the torque is applied, typically with a socket driver. The shoulder is smooth and unthreaded, and has a set diameter and length. The shoulder’s role is to act as a shaft or dowel for rotating parts, axles for rolling parts, guides for sliding elements, and pivot points. The final part of a Waspaloy shoulder bolt is the threaded shaft. The threaded portion of a shoulder bolt has a major diameter slightly smaller than the shoulder diameter. 


Waspaloy Chemistry & Specifications

Waspaloy is a solution annealed and age hardended alloy which provides its high strength properties. There are a few aging varieties however the AMS 5708 is one of the more common.

Waspaloy Specifications: UNS N07001, ASTM B 637, AMS 5708, AMS 5709, EN 2.4654, Werkstoff 2.4654

Waspaloy Chemistry


Waspaloy Tensile Curve

Waspaloy Tensile Curve


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